are the different types of annuities?
Fixed vs. variable annuities
In a fixed annuity, the insurance company
guarantees the principal and a minimum rate of interest.
In other words, as long as the insurance company is financially
sound, the money you have in a fixed annuity will grow and
will not drop in value. The growth of the annuity’s value
and/or the benefits paid may be fixed at a dollar amount
or by an interest rate, or they may grow by a specified
formula. The growth of the annuity’s value and/or the benefits
paid does not depend directly or entirely on the performance
of the investments the insurance company makes to support
the annuity. Some fixed annuities credit a higher interest
rate than the minimum, via a policy dividend that may be
declared by the company’s board of directors, if the company’s
actual investment, expense and mortality experience is more
favorable than was expected. Fixed annuities are regulated
by state insurance departments.
Money in a variable annuity is invested
in a fund—like a mutual fund but one open only to investors
in the insurance company’s variable life insurance and variable
annuities. The fund has a particular investment objective,
and the value of your money in a variable annuity—and the
amount of money to be paid out to you—is determined by the
investment performance (net of expenses) of that fund. Most
variable annuities are structured to offer investors many
different fund alternatives. Variable annuities are regulated
by state insurance departments and the federal Securities
and Exchange Commission.
Types of fixed annuities
An equity-indexed annuity is a type of fixed
annuity, but looks like a hybrid. It credits a minimum rate
of interest, just as a fixed annuity does, but its value
is also based on the performance of a specified stock index—usually
computed as a fraction of that index’s total return.
A market-value-adjusted annuity is one that
combines two desirable features—the ability to select and
fix the time period and interest rate over which your annuity
will grow, and the flexibility to withdraw money from the
annuity before the end of the time period selected. This
withdrawal flexibility is achieved by adjusting the annuity’s
value, up or down, to reflect the change in the interest
rate “market” (that is, the general level of interest rates)
from the start of the selected time period to the time of
Other types of annuities
All of the following types of annuities
are available in fixed or variable forms.
Deferred vs. immediate
A deferred annuity receives premiums and investment changes
for payout at a later time. The payout might be a very long
time; deferred annuities for retirement can remain in the
deferred stage for decades.
An immediate annuity is designed to pay
an income one time-period after the immediate annuity is
bought. The time period depends on how often the income
is to be paid. For example, if the income is monthly, the
first payment comes one month after the immediate annuity
is bought.
Fixed period
vs. lifetime annuities
A fixed period annuity pays an income for a specified period
of time, such as ten years. The amount that is paid doesn’t
depend on the age (or continued life) of the person who
buys the annuity; the payments depend instead on the amount
paid into the annuity, the length of the payout period,
and (if it’s a fixed annuity) an interest rate that the
insurance company believes it can support for the length
of the pay-out period.
A lifetime annuity provides income for the
remaining life of a person (called the “annuitant”). A variation
of lifetime annuities continues income until the second
one of two annuitants dies. No other type of financial product
can promise to do this. The amount that is paid depends
on the age of the annuitant (or ages, if it’s a two-life
annuity), the amount paid into the annuity, and (if it’s
a fixed annuity) an interest rate that the insurance company
believes it can support for the length of the expected pay-out
With a “pure” lifetime annuity, the payments
stop when the annuitant dies, even if that’s a very short
time after they began. Many annuity buyers are uncomfortable
at this possibility, so they add a guaranteed period—essentially
a fixed period annuity—to their lifetime annuity. With this
combination, if you die before the fixed period ends, the
income continues to your beneficiaries until the end of
that period.
Qualified vs. nonqualified annuities
A qualified annuity is one used to invest and disburse money
in a tax-favored retirement plan, such as an IRA or Keogh
plan or plans governed by Internal Revenue Code sections,
401(k), 403(b), or 457. Under the terms of the plan, money
paid into the annuity (called “premiums” or “contributions”)
is not included in taxable income for the year in which
it is paid in. All other tax provisions that apply to nonqualified
annuities also apply to qualified annuities.
A nonqualified annuity is one purchased
separately from, or “outside of,” a tax-favored retirement
plan. Investment earnings of all annuities, qualified and
non-qualified, are tax-deferred until they are withdrawn;
at that point they are treated as taxable income (regardless
of whether they came from selling capital at a gain or from
Single premium
vs. flexible premium annuities
A single premium annuity is an annuity funded by a single
payment. The payment might be invested for growth for a
long period of time—a single premium deferred annuity—or
invested for a short time, after which payout begins—a single
premium immediate annuity. Single premium annuities are
often funded by rollovers or from the sale of an appreciated